Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011


"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."
— Dr. Seuss

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Would you hold it against me?

There's a ton running through my mind at 4:15am on a Saturday morning. I'm thinking about youth, I'm thinking about life, I'm thinking about relationships, about love, about hate, about friendships, about the way we all interact with one another. College has blind-sighted me with a lot of experiences I never thought I'd have to deal with. And, I like to play this big shot game where I think I know everything. It's my favorite game. I play it every single day of my life. But the truth is, I'm just as scared and immature and unprepared as everyone else. And I don't know if this game I play makes me a genius or an imbecile.

The more I actually think about being in a relationship, the more irritated I get at the very idea.  Maybe it makes me selfish that I want a boy who will put up with whatever the fuck it is that I do, or complain about, or talk shit on. And maybe it makes me picky that I want a guy who will be able to get along and enjoy the company of all the different kinds of friends I have. Maybe it makes me naive to want someone who will be my other half, who will not take away from my personality, but will add to it. We have all of these obscure dating websites and events and rituals that are supposed to make it easier for us to meet people. And no doubt, they have helped me meet new people. But, does quantity trump quality? I'm done trying to figure out men. I'm done making excuses for the ones who don't know how to deal with situations. I don't want to be your relationship tutor.

I don't know why I always resort to talking about relationships. I guess it's still the same reason I've always talked about relationships. I have everything else I need in life. I just don't have anyone to share it with. And in all honesty, I'm 21 years old, I'm legitimately going to have the rest of my life to deal with men and their drama. Obviously I don't want to be lonely. But, I will not allow myself to date someone/get sucked into a situation just because I'm tired of being lonely. It's not worth it. And this didn't dawn on me suddenly in the middle of R.E.M. It wasn't like some guy dumped me and I finally saw the light. It's just been experience after experience after experience of people who aren't worth my time.

I just want someone who will be worth it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I love my big.

"never in my life did I think I would be scrubbing dried alcoholic whipped cream out of my belly button." - Megan Reilly

Thursday, December 23, 2010


I miss dancing!